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Creating Connections

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Who are we?

We are a voluntary organisation seeking to help vulnerable families and individuals, including women escaping domestic violence, refugees, and those affected by homelessness.

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We collect high quality furniture item donations and deliver them to households in need.

What do we do?

Twice a week, we deliver personalised and healthy food boxes to families and individuals who need them.

We host meals, events and workshops from our building, providing both volunteers and recipients opportunities for meaningful friendship and community.

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Why do we do what we do?

First we  were loved, now we love. We are inspired by Jesus and fuelled by the love we have been shown, which energises us to reach out in love to those who are in need. We see Him be "Father to the fatherless" on a daily basis. 


Share the love, select one below!

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"It is in giving that we receive."

- Saint Francis of Assisi

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Our 'Be a Blessing' Campaign

Do you feel discouraged as we enter this winter, knowing that many are going to struggle? Our 'Be a Blessing' campaign exists to give you a way to regularly support those in need, and to rekindle in our communities the hope that a meaningful 

difference can be made in these difficult times. If you are a business, an individual or a family unit, would you partner with us to fight that hopelessness?


Being part of 'Be a Blessing' means making a regular commitment to help Wholesome reach further into the community and be a sustainable force for good. You might decide to donate a pot of jam a month, send regular financial support (starting at £5s a month or more),  sponsor a tank of gas once a month for our van, or help pay for someone’s weekly food box. There are many creative ways to make a lasting difference and fight the hopelessness.


Could we count you as one of our blessings? If your answer is yes, we will send you a certificate with your number and name to hang in your home or office.


Please do email us to start the conversation:

Contact Us

We are a voluntary team of limited capacity. Please see if your inquiry can't be handled by one of our easy-to-use forms before sending us an email!


Phone                                       +44 1903 741367

Find Us

28. West Street, Storrington

West Sussex

RH20 4EE

Opening Hours

Tuesdays – 10:30 am - 1:00 pm

Thursdays – By appointment only

Fridays – 10:30 am - 1:00 pm


Christmas 2024 - we are closed between 20th December 2024 - 7th January 2025

View our data protection policy here.

© 2023 website by Rayan Fresard. Illustrations by Isi Simpson. Photography by Andy Storey & Rayan. Video by dioppo. Created with

Charity Number: 1194390

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